The above picture clearly displays how I feel at this very moment. It's Saturday night and I'm at home not doing anything because quite frankly I lack the energy and motivation to even begin to top the excitement my life has had the past few days. Justice was fucking awesome! It was the best concert I've been to since the mighty Daft Punk! I've done some other things since, and just now have gotten around to updating my blog. Sorry, but no Justice tracks today. Don't be sad though, there are plenty of other great songs to hear, so let's get started.
Franz and Shape - Eyes Like Knives
Here's a fuckin beast of an electro tune courtesy of Franz and Shape. I have no idea what they are saying in the song, however it doesn't matter. The song is a non stop assault of heavy hitting electro beats. This will keep you dancing way into the night. A must have!
Kissy Sell Out - Let There Be Blazing Light
Okay, since I'm not posting any Justice tracks today, I thought I'd post this. It's sort of a play off Justice's Let There Be Light. This track, as with most Kissy Sell out Tracks is phenomenal, enjoy!
This is the latest single from last year's critically acclaimed dubstop album. Not electro, but still ace.
Daft Punk - Da Funk (Live @ The Rex Club)
Here's a cut from a high quality Daft Punk set done in 1997. I got this from this dude's blog, where he's chronicled and posted various live sets from the French Touch masters! It's and awesome post with many great posts, do check it out!
As you can tell, I'm not really in the mood to write much. I just wanted to check in and do a quick post. My head is pounding I need some sleep, later!
Note: Also, be sure to check out my new muxtape located here!